John Ball Primary School

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Vision and Values

Together we all learn to achieve and thrive in every way

Our Vision

To nurture each child to reach their full potential; inspiring them to be creative thinkers, with the determination to embrace challenge, value collaboration and respect difference; and to become happy, life-long learners who contribute positively to our world.

Our Mission

We are a fully inclusive community school where individuality is cherished. We have high ambitions for all our children – and we are committed to finding opportunities to allow each child to fulfil their unique potential.

Our teachers are passionate about finding the ‘spark’ that ignites your child’s sense of curiosity for learning. We offer a breadth and depth of curriculum and extra-curricular experiences to allow each child the opportunity to discover the things that bring them joy, to have fun and enable them to learn, achieve and thrive in every way.

Everything we do is underpinned by our core values

Personal Excellence – we create an environment where everyone is expected to do their very best, so each child has the opportunity to achieve personal excellence across our wide range of curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

Respect – we ensure all relationships are built on respect and kindness, in a calm and caring environment.

Innovation and Creativity – we deliver an innovative, creative and engaging curriculum that is both accessible and challenging, to inspire creative thinkers.

Determination – we expect determination and resilience at every step of our school journey - where we view mistakes and challenge as a positive and necessary part of learning. This includes supporting children where they may find things more challenging so they can achieve their very best.

Equality – we are a diverse community where we are stronger because we learn from, and with, each other. We celebrate this diversity and actively tackle inequalities.