John Ball Primary School

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Learning at home

Teachers set additional home learning to compliment the work children are doing in school.

These may be tasks set offline in workbooks or online, and there is a half-termly creative learning project which can be presented in any media. Home learning is not mandatory as we cover the entire curriculum in school.

At John Ball Primary we subscribe and provide access to some online platforms which offer an optional, supplementary approach to offline learning.

Accelerated Reader and MYON Reader 

Accelerated Reader and MYON Reader are online platforms that encourage and improve reading, and measure growth of the individual reader. 

Both platforms can be accessed from this portal

MYON Reader gives children access to more than 6,000 digital books, including recommendations based on their interests, year and reading level. Comprehension skills can then be developed through follow-up quizzes.

Accelerated Reader allows children to develop their comprehension skills by taking quizzes about books they have read offline. The outcome of these quizzes allow teachers to assess a child's reading level and ultimately lead to greater success at the KS2 tests. 

Follow this link to Accelerated Reader Bookfinder to see if a quiz is available for a particular book 


MyMaths offers hundreds of tasks aligned to our curriculum objectives. Tasks are self-marking so children know immediately how well they scored. Teachers can see pupils' answers as well as their scores, This offers a foundation for the skills children need when it comes to KS2 testing.

Access MyMaths here

Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master their times tables. It also allows children to become familiar with this way of testing ahead of the multiplication check in Year 4.

Click to access Times Tables Rock Stars

It is possible to adjust the settings to tailor the programme to each child's needs. EG hide the timer or increase/decrease the gaming time.

Find the parent guide and other useful downloads are here