John Ball Primary School

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Online Safety


At John Ball our staff are committed to ensuring that our children develop digital resilience to help them stay safe online. Online safety is a core part of safeguarding; as such it is everyone’s job at John Ball Primary School.  

We have regular e-safety lessons for children detailing in an age-appropriate way how they can keep safe online. Training is organised for both staff, parents and carers. As a school, we regularly communicate with our parent and carer community to provide advice and updates on online safety.  

In school, we carefully filter and monitor content to ensure that your child is kept safe online. At home, e-safety is a parental responsibility and we are happy to provide general advice on how this can be achieved. 

If you have any concern please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

For further information about E-Safety, please read our E-Safety policy. 

Top Tips - online safety

  1. Keep the computer in a family area.
  2. Use 'child lock' or filter settings on your Web browser to help prevent unsuitable site access by your child.
  3. Talk to your child about using a strong password for every one of their online accounts.
  4. Regularly supervise the sites your child is visiting.
  5. Encourage your child to use their ‘Favourites’ list to access the sites you have approved to prevent accidental entry to unsuitable sites.
  6. Educate yourself on appropriate age rating of social media sites before allowing your child to access them. This website link, will be able to support with this: 
  7. Talk to your child about the tools and strategies they should use to deal with issues they may face online, such as cyber bullying or seeing inappropriate content.
  8. Ensure your child is secure on where and how to report an online issue that they may face.
  9. Agree with older children in the home what sites they are allowed to access.
  10. Keep all personal details private.
  11.  Above all, talk to your child about things online you can enjoy together and ways to stay involved in their digital world.

Further support and advice for parents and carers:

National Online Safety App 

Take a look at this FREE app from @natonlinesafety
Packed with the latest #OnlineSafety guides, it will empower you to keep children safe in the online world! Visit  

Further guidance about online content can be found here: 


Useful weblinks

Internet Legends-a parent guide: 

National Online Safety: 

CEOP-Think you know: 

UK Safer Internet help: 

Internet Matters:

PARENTSAFE-keeping your child safe online: 

Tutor Hunt: