John Ball Primary School

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John Ball is a three form entry community primary school. It is a popular school and there are many more parents and carers who want to send their children to us than we are able to welcome. The school only has responsibility for nursery admissions. Lewisham Council School Admissions allocates all other places including reception and in-year transfers.  If you require any support completing processes mentioned on this page, reach out to us here.

To book a tour of the school with the Headteacher please click here  


Reception admissions

If you would like your child to join our reception then you must complete your local borough common application form (CAF) online.  You can apply online via  

On the form you can select up to six schools listing them in order of your preference.  However, there are a number of admissions criteria that apply to offers that are made for places at John Ball. These are, in order of priority:

  • a child in public care; that is a child who is looked after by the local authority
  • in exceptional circumstances, a child may be admitted on the grounds of acute medical or social need, for either them or a family member
  • a child whose brother or sister is still on the school roll at the time of admittance in to Reception Year
  • if after the above criteria are taken into account, priority will be given to children whose permanent home address is closest to the school.

Waiting lists will be held for the first term of reception only.  Those who are interested in a place at John Ball beyond this time will be required to inform Lewisham Council School Admissions to remain on the waiting list.

For more information about admissions and appeals arrangements you may contact the London Borough of Lewisham directly at or 0208 314 8282.

Nursery admissions

John Ball offers 39 full-time nursery places.  This is for 30 hours a week, Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm. Part-time hours are Monday to Friday, 9am-12pm or 12pm- 3pm.  If you wish to be considered for a part-time place, please do indicate this on your application form.  Please note preference is not guaranteed.  

To apply, please use this online form.

Please note:

  • Children are admitted to the Nursery once they have turned three, and in the academic year they turn four.
  • We have one intake in September only.
  • John Ball manages its own admissions for the Nursery using the same criteria as Lewisham Admissions. To see the criteria, please follow this link
  • Children who are not offered a place will automatically be placed on our waiting list.  Should a place become available we will contact you.
  • We accept childcare vouchers, please contact for further information. 
  • Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to claim a total of 30 hours of free childcare. To check your eligibility, please visit 
  • If you are entitled to 30 hours of free childcare, you must apply for this as soon as possible and let us know your unique 30 hour code.
  • Please note that you have to reconfirm your eligibility every three months. 
  • We accept childcare vouchers, please contact for further information.
  • If your child is eligible for 15 hours funding but you would like 30 hours nursery care you will be invoiced termly at the beginning of each term. Current fees are £8.50 per hour (£120 per week). Prices are subject to an annual review. 

In year admissions

All admissions are dealt with through the London Borough of Lewisham from Reception to year 6 so you would need to apply via their website: click here.

As part of an in year admission, you will be asked to provide a completed section 9 document.  If this section is not completed, your application will not be considered as complete (NB: this does not apply if your child is new to the UK or has been previously educated abroad).

Providing your application is complete, a letter will be sent by email within 10 school days of the date we received your application to let you know the outcome.

Lewisham have a set of guidance for parents considering moving school, you can view this by clicking here